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  「韩音」是一个中文主导的韩国音乐网站,意思为“韩国原音”。网站的前身可以说是「KsCDb」,一个由 Kay GDOTI 创建,以韩国音乐为主另含中、日、欧美等地 CD 介绍的西色化网站,由于某些原因,该站大概已进入长眠状态。「韩音」继承了该站的宗旨,就是鼓励人们购买原装正版的音乐。



  祝 旅途愉快


Kpop Professional Investigation Center (K.P.I.C.)



  目前研究结果包括:由数字行头的音乐单位有 015B、1TYM、2Be3、2Shai、2nb、4u、5tion、7dayz、10+、和 45rpm;最生活化的名字有 J、K、S、T、Sea(Bada)、Be、Blue、Bronze、Cool、Dog、Flower、H、Haha、Heart、Hey、K-Pop、Kiss、Lady、Luv、M、MILK、Morning、Option、Page、Rain、Rich、SAT、SeeYa、Seven、Sky、Solid、Star、Take、The Name、The Red、Toy、Turbo、Turtles、Uptown、W、Wanted、WaWa、Wax、Why 等;有 3 个单位均拥有相同名称的出道歌曲,他们是 Butterfly Effect、Joanne、和 Paran,他们的出道歌均命名为《First Love》;Soo-jin(秀珍)似乎是最受女生欢迎的名字,它被至少 3 个组合的成员使用,包括 Shinvi(神飞)、Sugar、和 See U,此外,S.E.S 的 Eugene(柳真)的著名处女主演剧集【Save Your Last Dance For Me 再与你共舞】内有一主要角色巧合地也是叫秀珍;3 月 3 日大慨是最多女子组合成员生日的一天,S.E.S 的 Eugene(柳真)、Fin.K.L 的 Yu-ri(侑丽)、和 See U 的 Ji-hye(智慧) 、也包括单飞歌手 U;nee 她们均是同一天出生,其实女歌手中 Seo Moon-tak(辑巩殴)也是 3-3,只是不同年份;提到 Ji-hye(智慧),原来至少还有另外 3 位明星也是叫 Ji-hye(智慧) 的,包括演员 Han Ji-hye(韩智慧)、Seo Ji-hye(除智慧)、和组合 S#arp 成员 Lee Ji-hye(李智慧);同名同姓的有剧集【大长今】内释演“连生”的朴恩蕙和新进歌手 Ivy(也叫朴恩蕙),此外有 3 位韩星均叫 Kim Tae-woo(金太宇),一个是演员,两个是歌手(其中一个是g.o.d.的主音),注意有 2 位 Kim Hyung-joong(金賢重),一个是 E.O.S. 成员,一个是 SS501 成员,至少有两个 Kim Dong-wook(金东旭),都是歌手,一个是 HowL,一个是 JK;1 月 1 日是新一年的开始,可谓比较特别,而在那一天生日的韩流明星会也是比较特别呢?乐队 Yada 的成员 Kim Se Hyun(金世炫)、男子三重唱组合 So-U 的成员真庆民、Super Junior 的 Lee Sung-min(李成民)、和东方神起的 Xiah(金俊秀)他们都是 1-1;提到 Xiah(金俊秀),他的真正生日很有可能应该是 12 月 15 日,然而在官方网站内资料显示却是 1-1,是因为他的父母到那天才取得到有关出生证明文件;成员最多的韩流音乐团体 (不计 SM Town 和 YG Family) 有女子组 i-13 和人气男子组 Super Junior,出道时候的 Super Junior 是 12 人的阵容,新成员 Kyu-hyun(圭炫) 是由单曲《U》起加入;提到 i-13,它有年纪最小的流行乐歌手,因为成员 You 和 Sul 在 i-13 出道的时候只有 13 岁。

  韩国乐坛史上第一个剧场式的音乐录影带是 Jo Sung-mo(曹诚模)的《To Heaven》,它开创了故事模式的先例,也造就了日后以高成本大规模拍摄电影式 MV 的先兆,一些高成本的 MV 更耗资超过 3 至 4 百万制作费;当中最高成本的 MV 达 1 千万,记录由 KCM 所创;而最低成本的 MV 则是只花了 500 元便拍成;韩星的音乐录影带制作一向认真,MV 取景地点曾足及世界各地,包括日本、奥地利、澳洲、及非洲等;最多人头出现的 MV 是 Psy 的《We Are The One》;最多明星参与的 MV 要算 SM Town 的《Summer Vacation》,当中有 Shinvi(神飞)、Moon Hee-jun(文熙俊)、BoA(宝儿)、Fly to the Sky、S.E.S、MILK、KangTa(安七炫)、Dana、Shinhwa(神话)等巨星单位合力制作。



˙AS ONE《12 NIGHTS 十二夜》audio
˙SE7EN《LA LA LA》audio
˙严正花《COME 2 ME》lq-audio
˙东方神起《"O"-正.反.合》audio 《BALLOONS 气球》audio
˙简美妍《WOMAN IN THE PAST 昔日女人》audio
˙何莉秀《SUMMER SUMMER》hq-audio
˙金钟国《THE WORD, I LOVE YOU》audio
˙朴恩蕙《NAN 乱》hq-audio
˙《GIVE MY LOVE》(再与你共舞OST)hq-audio
˙神话《BRAND NEW》hq-audio
˙SE7EN《TATTOO 纹身》hq-audio
˙MC梦《BECAUSE I'M A MAN》hq-audio

>> 影视movie


˙SEEYA《CRAZY LOVE 疯狂爱情之歌》m/v
˙吴建豪 安七炫《SCANDAL》m/v
˙SE7EN《I KNOW 我知道》m/v
˙白智英《LOVE YOU NOT 我不爱你》m/v
˙张娜拉《GONG FU 功夫》m/v
˙G.O.D.《2 LOVE》m/v
˙东方神起《RISING SUN》m/v
˙申慧成《DON'T LEAVE》m/v
˙MC梦《INVINCIBLE 天下无敌》m/v
˙紫雨林《HAHAHA SONG》m/v
˙RAIN《I DO》m/v
˙李承焕《I ASK MYSELF》m/v
˙神话《BRAND NEW》m/v
˙严正花《ETERNITY 永生》m/v
˙何莉秀《FOXY LADY》m/v
˙李孝利《10 MINUTES 十分钟》m/v
˙飞行少年《MISSING YOU》m/v
˙柳真《THE BEST》m/v
˙徐妍《IN SUMMER》m/v
˙狂恋乐团《LOVEHOLIC 狂恋乐团》m/v
˙张娜拉《SWEET DREAM》m/v
˙朴正炫《IN A DREAM 在梦中》m/v


一月 SS501 Kim Hyung-joon 的弟弟首次出道歌坛Park Jin-young 6 年来的复出Jun Jin 与臺湾歌手 Linda 合唱Bada 在中国为 10 万观众演出Rain 在世界巡演宣传艾滋病防治Kang Ta 被任命为「2007韩中交流年」文化宣传大使Sun Min 为日本电视节目演唱主题歌 十二月 Click-B 的 Kim Tae-hyung 服军役Se7en 荣登“2006亚洲十大”Yoon Kye-sang 退役军队Song Baek-kyung 成为处景喜剧音乐导演Lee Min-woo 成为音乐製作人Paran 与泰国歌迷共聚Zhang Li Yin 在家乡的首次演出BoA 亮相 CNN 的「Talk Asia」Cho Min-ah 退出 JewelryJang Woo-hyuk 的歌曲出现在莱坞电影韩国首映版 十一月 Shin Seung-hun 於中国获取“海外最佳人气艺人奖”Lee Hyo-lee 出演音乐电视剧东方神起总唱片销量达 2 百万张Shinhwa 在中国上海获奖天上智喜将用别的名称复出Hwang Bo 一月出单飞专辑 十月 Lee Seung-hwan 与 X-Japan 的联合演唱会Yoon Jong-shin 的婚礼V.O.S 进军海外An Jae-wook 日本特别专辑Fly to the Sky 的 Brain 发行单飞专辑2006 首尔音乐演奏季Kim Jang-hoon 投资百万元于新专辑Super Junior 亮相泰国电视音乐节目 九月 Sung Si-kyung 发行 5 辑JJang Na-ra 与余文乐的合辑第三届亚洲音乐节

来源: arirang.co.kr





SS501 Kim Hyung-joon 的弟弟首次出道歌坛

人气组合 SS501 成员 Kim Hyung-joon 的弟弟以 4 人无伴奏合唱组合 XING 正式出道歌坛。取名 Maremir 的 Kim Hyung-joon 的弟弟出道前作为时装模特已有相当的知名度,目前歌迷俱乐部会员达 6000 人,人气很旺。已发表首张单曲《In Your Hands》的 XING 是一个平均年龄仅为 16 岁的无伴奏合唱组合,组合名字中文意为星,表达了成为亚洲之星的强烈愿望。

The brother of SS501 member Kim Hyung-joon will be making his singing debut in a 4 member acappella group called XING. Kim Hyung-joon's brother who will be working under the name Maremir is a former fashion model and has a fansite with over 6,000 members. The group's first single is "In Your Hands," and their group name means star in Chinese, which shows their determination to become the next Asian stars.

2007. 1. 13. 4

Park Jin-young 6 年来的复出

作为製作人穿梭於韩美两国的 Park Jin-young 时隔六年终於以歌手身份回归歌坛,他计划今年年底发表专辑 7。自专辑 6 後转投幕後製作工作的他相继培养出 god、Park Ji-yoon、Noel、Rain、Star 等众多歌星,後赴美展开活动并以作曲家身份先後参与 Mase、Will Smith、Cassie 的唱片製作,作为韩国作曲家他首度叁次登上 Billboard 排行榜,其新专辑值得期待。

Park Jin-young who has been busy as a music producer in Korea and the U.S. will be returning as a singer in 6 years. His 7th studio album is scheduled to be out at the end of this year. After the release of his 6th album, he has been busy working as a producer for god, Park Ji-yoon, Noel, Rain and Star. Park went on to produce and write music for Mase, Will Smith and Cassie, getting his name on the billboard chart 3 times, the first for a Korean songwriter. We look forward to his new work.

2007. 1. 13. 3

Park Jin-young 上榜 Billboard 十大

作为制作人进军美国并大获成功的 Park Jin-young 第 3 次进入了 Billboard 排行榜前 10 位。8 月 26 日,收录由 Park Jin-young 作曲的《When Your Body Is Talking》的 R&B 歌手 Cassie 的唱片占据 Billboard 排行榜第 4 位。新星 Cassie 的这张专辑足以证明 Park Jin-young 已在美国巿场站稳脚跟。

Park Jin-young who successfully entered the US music industry as a producer had his third song enter the Billboard Chart Top 10. R&B singer Cassie's album, which includes the song "When your body is talking" written by Park Jin-young, took the fourth spot on the Billboard Chart on August 26th. Cassie's rising star secured him recognition as a producer in the American music industry.

2006. 9. 15. 4

Jun Jin 与臺湾歌手 Linda 合唱

Shinhwa 的 Jun Jin 将和臺湾女歌手 Linda 一起演唱预计 2007 年发售的 Linda 正规专辑 3 收录曲《Forever》并进军臺湾巿场。Linda 的专辑 3 将收录二人合唱的英、中、韩叁个版本歌曲,而且还将收录在 1 月底即将发售的 Jun Jin 的特别版专辑。

Jun Jin will sing the song “Forever” in a duet with Taiwanese singer Linda for her third feature album scheduled to be released in 2007 as part of his efforts to kick start his own solo career in Taiwan. The two singers will record “Forever,” in English, Chinese and Korean. Jun Jin will include the song in his special edition album to be released in late January.

2007. 1. 13. 2

Bada 在中国为 10 万观众演出

歌手 Bada 将在 10 万中国游客面前演出,她将应邀参加以“韩中文化交流”为主题,2 月 3 日至 3 月 11 日举行的「纪念韩中建交15週年暨韩中文化交流庆典」开幕式并演唱歌曲。去年她在 F1 韩流演唱会上展示了舞臺魅力,期待演唱会成为增进两国国民了解和友谊的契机。

Artist Bada will be performing in China in front of an audience of 100,000. In the name of "Korean, Chinese Cultural Exchange," Bada has been invited to display her powerful voice at the opening ceremony of the festival commemorating "15 years of Korean, Chinese Diplomatic Relations." The popular songstress made a lasting impression at the F1 concert last year, and was invited again, and we hope her performance helps boost cultural understanding between the two countries.

2007. 1. 13. 1

Bada 于中国韩流演唱会演出

歌手 Bada 将参加 10 月 2 日在中国上海虹口体育场举行的 F1 韩流演唱会。曾是 S.E.S 成员的 Bada 深得中国歌迷喜爱,不过此次以个人身份单独参加中国韩流演唱会还是第一次。Bada 表示作为单飞歌手首次参加一定会尽最大努力征服中国飞迷。目前她正在积极准备之中。

Singer Bada plans to perform at the "F1 Korean Wave Concert" to be held in Shanghai, China on October 2nd. Bada, a former member of S.E.S, has already made her name known throughout the Middle Kingdom but this is her first time performing solo at a Korean Wave concert in that country. She has devotedly been practicing in order to deliver a dazzling performance that is sure to captivate Chinese audiences.

2006. 9. 22. 3

Rain 在世界巡演宣传艾滋病防治

开始全球 12 国巡演的 Rain 开始了「没有艾滋病的世界」宣传活动。担任艾滋病防治大使的 Rain 将在全球巡演时演唱专辑 4 的《Friends》,并通过大屏幕传递儿童形象和慈善信息,韩国、日本、中国、台湾、香港、菲律宾等世界各演出现场将準备艾滋病防治宣传展位,捐赠演出时销售慈善商品获得的全部收入。

Rain who has started his world tour concert in 12 different countries is promoting a "world without AIDS." He is currently a public spokesman for the elimination of AIDS. Rain plans to deliver a special message by singing his song "Friends" from his 4th album while displaying images of children on a large screen. In addition, he plans to set up a campaign booth at concert halls in Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, and the Philippines and donate the proceeds to charity.

2007. 1. 6. 3

Rain 的音乐外洩

世界级明星 Rain 和美国著名歌手 Omarion 的合唱歌曲最近被非法上传网上,目前妥托美国警方展开正式调查。这首歌曲原打算收录在 Omarion 新专辑【21】和 Rain 的【World Wide Digital Single Plus】上,只是因为同流通部门在一些程序问题上存在分歧而被迫搁置。Rain 所属公司方面表示目前有證据表明海外有组织地泄漏音源的可能性很大,因此将通过各种方法采取强硬措施阻止事态进一步发展。

A new, yet-to-be released duet song between the very popular Korean singer Rain and American pop star Omarion mysteriously appeared on the Internet. The singers have requested US authorities to look into the matter. The song was expected to appear on both Omairon's new album entitled, "21," and on Rain's, "Worldwide Digital Single Plus." But due to complications, it had not yet been publicly released. This incident is the latest proof of a world-wide problem in the illegal copying and distributing of music. Rain's management company says that it will respond aggressively.

2006. 12. 9. 1

Rain 发行古巴写真集

世界超级明星 Rain 日前发行了为专辑 4 前往古巴拍摄描写日常生活和体验的写真集【Road For Rain】。写真集在富有异国风情文化和音乐的古巴拍摄。为 Rain 的首张写真集,里面有平时看不到的 Rain 自然的形象,两张 DVD 由 Rain 在古巴的旅行画面采访镜头和幕後花絮等构成,据说还有用 Rain 签名的 12 张照片製作的照片卡套装。

World-class star Rain has released his photo book "Road for Rain" which is about his experiences he had while he was in Cuba preparing for his 4th album. This is Rain's first photo album, which he took in Cuba with all its ethnic details, culture and music, and will show a more down-to-earth side of him. The 2 DVDs include images of his Cuban trip, interviews and behind-the-scene footage, and there is also a 12 photo card set with his autographs included.

2006. 12. 2. 1

Rain 的世界巡演旅程

歌手 Rain 将以首尔演唱会开始,正式踏上世界巡演旅程。Rain 计划 12 月 15 日、16 日在首尔演奥林匹克公园体操馆举行「世界巡演—首尔演唱会」。预计以世界巡演首尔演唱会开始历时 5 个月,巡回美国、泰国、越南、新加坡、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、香港、臺湾、日本、中国和韩国等 12 个国家共举办 35 场演唱会。期待为世界巡演熟身的 Rain 有好结果。

2006. 11. 19. 1

Rain 开设世界巡演网站

正忙于亚洲最大规模世界巡演的 Rain,作为韩国歌手首次开设世界巡演网站,正式投入巡演准备。此次开设网站为韩国首次,据说日本超级明星们己运营类似的巡演专用网站,预计网站将独家公开对巡演的基本介绍、日程、巡唱会花絮及 Rain 的抓拍图像等,与此同时还计划通过更新,及时传达有关今后 12 国巡演消息。

Rain, who is preparing for the biggest world-wide concert tour in the history of Asia, has become the first Korean artist to open a concert tour Internet homepage. Rain's world-tour website is the first to be established in Korea while many superstars abroad have already been managing such tour-exclusive homepages. This Internet site will not only provide a basic introduction of the concert and its schedule, but also a behind-the-scenes look into the concert as well as photos of Rain's new image which cannot be found elsewhere. It will continuously be updated prior to and during his 12-nation concert tour.

2006. 9. 29. 2

Kang Ta 被任命为「2007韩中交流年」文化宣传大使

歌手 Kang Ta 被任命为「2007韩中交流年」文化宣传大使。胡锦涛主席 2005 年访韩时为增进两国理解,决定在纪念建交 15 週年的明年与行多项文化交流活动,在中国人气大盛而被任命为宣传大使的 Kang Ta 在新的一年里将为两国文化交流起到桥樑作用。

Singer Kang Ta was appointed as spokesman for the "2007 Korea-China Exchange Year." The "2007 Korea-China Exchange Year" was agreed upon during a visit to Korea by Chinese President Hu Jintao in 2005. The two countries decided it would be this year, which marks the 15th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The main goal is to promote mutual understanding through inter-cultural events. Kang Ta who is gaining great popularity in China plans to serve as a cultural bridge that connects the two countries.

2007. 1. 6. 2

Kang Ta 在中国的压轴演出

人气歌手 Kang Ta 应邀参加在中国成都举行的湖南卫视音乐节目“超级歌会”,并作为韩国歌手首次演唱压轴歌曲。“超级歌会”是演唱会形式的音乐节目,在中国内地巡回举行。据说此次 Kang Ta 是以成都歌迷最受欢迎歌手身份应邀参加,作为外国歌手在中国音乐节目中演唱压轴歌曲实为罕见,再一次证明了他的亚洲巨星地位。

Popular singer KangTa was the first Korean to perform the final act in a Chinese music program. The show tours throughout China, and he was invited to perform at a concert in the city of Chengdu. KangTa was selected the most popular artist among music fans in Chengdu. It is not very common for foreign musicians to close a show at a Chinese music program. As the first Korean singer to do so, KangTa once again secures his status as a rising star in Asia.

2006. 9. 22. 3

Sun Min 为日本电视节目演唱主题歌

在日本发展的新歌手 Sun Min 接连演唱日本富士电视臺播放的两档节目的主题曲成为话题。Sun Min 於 6 日推出的单曲专辑主打歌《恋的奇蹟》被选作日本富士电视臺人气节目【奇蹟体验Unbelievable】结束曲後,又将为明年 1 月 4 日开播的日本富士电视臺剧集【母亲失格】演唱主题歌。富士电视臺的两档节目主题歌交给新人歌手实为罕见,Sun Min 在日本的潜力令人期待。

Korean Rookie singer Sun Min has gained the spotlight for singing the theme song of two Fuji TV programs in Japan. Her first single album title song "Koino Kiseki" was selected as the closing theme song of the popular Japanese TV program "Experience the Miracle, Unbelievable!" She also has plans to sing the theme song for the TV drama "Hahaoya Shitgaku," which is scheduled to air starting January 4th. Her potential and talent must be highly valued considering that it is very unusual for a rookie singer to sing two theme songs on Fuji TV programs.

2007. 1. 6. 1

Click-B 的 Kim Tae-hyung 服军役

快歌组合 Click-B 前成员 Kim Tae-hyeong 正式参军服役。他对儘管自己长时间没有活动却一直不忘前来的歌迷表达了真摰谢意,同时希望单飞活动中的 Oh Jong-hyuk 成功,还希望经历不愉快事件的 Kim Sang-hyuk 能得到大家的原谅,流露出对 Click-B 不变的热爱。就 Click-B 重组问题,所有成员都表示待服兵役後,如有机会将推出专辑,表达了希望成为永远的 Click-B 的愿望。

Former member of dance group Click-B, Kim Tae-hyung, began his obligated military service. Though he hasn't performed in a while, he thanked fans for not forgetting him and for coming to see him off. He also didn't forget to express his love for Click-B members Oh Jong-hyuk and Kim Sang-hyuk. He wished for Oh Jong-hyuk's success as a solo artist and that Kim Sang-hyuk would soon be forgiven by fans. He also showed strong hope for the group Click-B getting back together after all members finish their obligated military service.

2006. 12. 23. 2

Se7en 荣登“2006亚洲十大”

歌手 Se7en 获得日本 Tower Record 评选的「2006唱片销量十大排行榜」亚洲部分第 1 位。今年 3 月推出的首张专辑【First Se7en】获得日本著名唱片发行公司 Tower Record 评选的“2006年最畅销专辑”亚洲部分第 1 位,除了 Se7en 的【First Se7en】获得第 1 位,组合东方神起的【Heart,Mind and Soul】、Ryu Shi-won 的【Asian Blow】分获第 2、3位,Park Yong-ha 的【Will be there】、Shinhwa 的【Inspiration】则排第 4、第 5,再次展示了韩国音乐的实力。

Singer Se7en won the top spot for the "2006 Asia Top 10" as selected by Tower Records in Japan. According to Japan's popular record distribution company, Tower Records, Se7en's first album in Japan titled "First Se7en" released last March recorded the best sales among Asian artists. Aside from Se7en's win, TVXQ!'s "Heart, Mind and Soul" came in at second place followed by Ryu Si-won's "Asian Blow," Park Yong-ha's "Will be there," and Shinhwa's "Inspiration."

2006. 12. 23. 1

Se7en 参演剧集【宫2】

Se7en 最终确定为【宫2】的主演,即将尝试演技转型。【宫2】讲述不明自己的皇孙身份,在中餐厅送外卖的平凡男子入宫后的故事,将在 2007 年 1 月首播。目前正在准备新专辑的 Se7en 打算音乐和演技两不误,迎接新挑战成为更加进步的 Se7en。

Se7en will soon become an actor, having been selected to be the main character for the drama "Palace 2." The drama is about an ordinary guy working as a delivery boy at a Chinese restaurant who discovers that he is of royal descent and must start a new life in the palace. The show is scheduled to be aired in January of next year. Se7en, who is also preparing for his new album, now finds himself busily working as a musician as well as as an actor.

2006. 10. 28. 2

Se7en 的演出制成纪录片

歌手 Se7en 的 YG FAMILY 世界巡演将以纪录片形式与美国观众见面。据说 NHK 美国分公司正规节目“热情访谈USA”将制作编辑 Se7en 的纪录片单独在全美播放。10 月 18 日 Se7en 将在华盛顿 DAR Constitution 举行 YG FAMILY 十周年美国演唱会,随后赴纽约、洛杉矶演出,预计 10 月底回韩国为专辑 4 展开活动。

Singer Se7en's YG Family world tour performance is scheduled to be broadcast in America as a documentary. NHK's US-bureau plans to exclusively produce and organize the documentary on Se7en, allowing it to be aired throughout America. After performing YG Family's 10th anniversary concerts in Washington, DC, New York and LA, he plans to return to Korea in late October to start work on his 4th album.

2006. 10. 19. 2

Yoon Kye-sang 退役军队

组合 god 出身的演员 Yoon Kye-sang 在歌迷的生日祝福和退伍祝福中圆满结束了 24 个月的军旅生活。作为国防宣传院所属演艺士兵,他参与了各种国军节目,在发表退伍感想时说服役期间,支撑自己的是那些写来慰问信的歌迷。以组合 god 出道後人气飙昇时期,变身演员的 Yoon Kye-sang 其今後的活动令人瞩目。

Group god's Yoon Kye-sang has finished two-year long military service. He received congratulations from his fans and celebrated his birthday together. He served at the Defense Media Agency actively participating in various military broadcasting programs. He said that many consolatory letters from the fans have helped him greatly while serving the military. Let's look forward to his activities in the future.

2006. 12. 16. 3

Song Baek-kyung 成为处景喜剧音乐导演

组合 1TYM 成员兼 Sugerless 领队 Song Baek-kyung 因担任 Koyote 成员 Shin-ji 出演的家庭处景喜剧音乐导演而倍受瞩目。处景喜剧的片头曲和片尾曲均为 Song Baek-kyung 的作品,由组合 Sugarless 亲自演唱。随著剧集的热播主题歌也广受好评,期待多才多艺的他挑战更多领域。

Group 1TYM's member and a leader of Sugarless Song Beak-kyung came into the spotlight for becoming a music director for a family sitcome in which Koyote's Shinji is making her first acting debut. The theme song that plays in the beginning and the end is his work sang with the group Sugarless. This song is receiving much love along with the increasing popularity of the show. And let's look forward to Song Baek-kyung's more colorful musical performance.

2006. 12. 16. 2

Lee Min-woo 成为音乐製作人

Shinhwa 成员 Lee Min-woo 变身製作人参与了新锐女歌手 SAT 的数字单曲唱片製作,不仅担任製作人,还客串主打歌、出演音乐电视等充分展现了他作为多栖音乐人的才华。同时作为製作人 Lee Min-woo 还亲自联係国外作曲家。

Shinhwa's member Lee Min-woo made a producing debut taking part in the making of rookie female artist SAT's digital single album. He not only produced the album but also participated in featuring the title song as well as acting in the music video. As a producer, he drew talented composer from Korea and abroad to take part in this album.

2006. 12. 16. 1

Paran 与泰国歌迷共聚

最近泰国一家电臺举办了 30 名幸运歌迷前往首尔和 Paran 共度 3 天 2 夜的评选活动,一万多歌迷拥跃报名,竞争率高达 300:1。有幸入选的 30 位泰国歌迷来到韩国参与广播电视节目、和 Paran 共进晚餐、一起活动和做遊戏等,度过了难忘的 3 天 2 夜。据说在泰国人气飙昇的 Paran 今後将加快进军海外的步伐。

Recently, a Thailand radio network held an event selecting 30 fans to spend three days and two nights with Paran in Korea. More than 10,000 fans signed up to participate in the event, making the odds of winning the competition 300 to 1. The 30 lucky winners will come to Korea to attend broadcasted music program, dinners, and other events with Paran. With this event, Paran will continue to expand its activities abroad.

2006. 12. 9. 4

Paran 荣登泰国唱片销售榜榜首

组合 Paran 在泰国出道一週後跃居唱片销售排行榜首位。Paran 以参加泰国举行的「2006 Vergin Hitz Asia Award」为契机,在泰国成功出道并正式展开活动。伴随 Paran 访问泰国正式发售的专辑 2,发售当日即全部售空,取得了一週销售 2 万张的骄人成绩。据说 Paran 借在泰国的人气东风,计划在圣诞节在泰国举行大型演唱会。

2006. 11. 19. 4

Zhang Li Yin 在家乡的首次演出


Chinese rookie singer Zhang Li Yin attended an international music festival held in her homeland of China. She sang "Timeless" and "Y" at her first performance. Discovered and trained in Korea, she now plans to expand her activities abroad beginning with China. This has gained her a lot of attention from music fans and the press on the Chinese mainland.

2006. 12. 9. 3

BoA 亮相 CNN 的「Talk Asia」

“亚洲之星”BoA 日前参加了世界性新闻专门频道 CNN 的访谈节目「Talk Asia」,「Talk Asia」因去年 11 月采访亚洲明星 Rain 而成为话题。该节目曾先後专访了前总统金大中、指挥家 Chung Myung-hoob、女高音歌唱家 Sumi Jo 等多位韩国名人。BoA 继 Rain 後第二个作为大众文化界人士接受了采访,她在节目中讲述了自己的成长历程和兼职做演员的情况。

Asia's shining star BoA appeared on worldwide news channel CNN's talk-show program, "Talk Asia." Last November, Rain also made an appearance on the show. Though he and other famous Koreans, like former President Kim Dae-jung, composer Chung Myung-hoon, and soprano Jo Su-mi have also appeared, BoA is the second Korean pop artist to do so. She talked about her experience of becoming a celebrity at such a young age.

2006. 12. 9. 2

BoA 的单曲《Winter Love》荣登日本 oricon 榜首

BoA 荣登日本 oricon 单曲排行榜首位,显示了超强人气。BoA 第 21 张日本单曲《Winter Love》11月 1 日发售当日即跃居日本 oricon 单曲排行榜第 2 位,叁天後荣登冠军宝座。此次单曲主打歌《Winter Love》是一首突显 BoA 深厚演唱功底的伤感叙事歌,继 2004 年 12 月在韩国同步发售倍受喜爱的《Merry-Chri》後又一次在冬季进攻市场。

2006. 11. 19. 3

BoA 演唱会全日本播放

“亚洲之星”BoA 现场演唱会的生动画面将通过地上波频道在日本全国播放。据说今年已迎来出道 5 周年的 BoA 的最新现场版“BoA The Live”将通过地上波电视在日本首次独家播放。主题为“零距离接触 BoA”,在日本 6 个城市举行的现场演唱会门票已售罄。作为青少年的最后一张单曲也是日本第 21 张单曲专辑【Winter Love】预计将在下个月正式发表。

As Asia's shining star, BoA's live concert will be broadcast all over Japan through the airwaves. BoA is celebrating the 5th anniversary of her debut this year and her most recent live concert titled "BoA The Live" is schedule to go on air exclusively through a radio channel. With the theme name, "Experience BoA Up-close," this concert tour in six different cities is already completely sold out. In addition, "Winter Love," her 21st single album in Japan and her last single as a teen star, will be released next month.

2006. 10. 19. 1

BoA 首张数字单曲

BoA 发表首张数字单曲《Key of Heart》。此次单曲专辑是 8 月份在日本发售的 BoA 第 20 张单曲《Key of Heart》韩文版,悠扬的弦乐与明快的旋律完美和谐。《Key of Heart》音乐电视因 Super Junior 成员 Dong-hae 出演更令人关注。

BoA's first digital single titled "Key of Heart" has finally been released. This single album is the Korean version of her 20th Japan single "Key of Heart" released last August. This song nicely blends the peaceful tune of stringed instruments with a refreshing melody line. Super Junior's member Dong-hae also appears in the music video.

2006. 10. 7. 1

BoA 韩国处女参演

“亚洲之星”BoA 明年将以演员身份展开韩国内活动。据说 BoA 自去年以来多次受到韩国顶尖导演及作家之邀,但由于首次出道挑战演技所以一直跷躇不定。此次计划 10 月份选定处女作剧本,明年避开日本 ARENA 全国巡演投入拍摄。

Asia's shining star BoA plans to make an acting debut in Korea. She has been receiving many proposals from famous Korean producers and writers. However, since last year she has been very careful about selecting her first acting piece. She plans to pick a work and start shooting while avoiding any conflict with the Japan Arena National Tour.

2006. 9. 22. 2

Cho Min-ah 退出 Jewelry

Jewelry 的 Cho Min-ah 将正式退出组合。继去年 1 月成员 Lee Ji-hyun 离开 Jewelry 後,Cho Min-ah 成为又一位离开者,目前 Jewelry 只剩下 Park Jung-ah 和 Seo In-young,退出组合的 Cho Min-ah 将作为演员从事表演。据说 Jewelry 将不会解散,补充新成员後明年夏天推出专辑 5。

Jo Min-ah has said good bye to the female group, Jewelry. This is the second time a member is leaving the team, since Lee Ji-hyun left the group in January, and now the team is left with its two members, Park Jung-ah and Seo In-young. Jo Min-ah who leaves the team is planning to actively pursue acting, and the group will go on with 2 new members. We'll be able to see the group’s 5th album will be out with its new members around next summer.

2006. 12. 2. 4

Jang Woo-hyuk 的歌曲出现在莱坞电影韩国首映版

Jang Woo-hyuk 的歌曲被好莱坞电影韩国首映版选定为片尾曲。据说 Jang Woo-hyuk 的专辑 2 收录曲《Last Game》成为 Shawn Levy 执导的动作奇幻历险大片【博物馆惊魂夜】的片尾曲。由 Ben Stiller、Robin Williams 主演的电影【博物馆惊魂夜】,以每天夜里博物馆所有展品复活的新潁创意为主线展开投资 1 亿 5 千万美元拍摄,栩栩如生地再现了复活的博物馆模型和展品。

Jang Woo-hyuk's song is to be included as the ending song for a Hollywood film which will open in Korean theaters. 'Last Game' from Jang Woo-hyuk's 2nd album was selected as the ending song for Shawn Levy's action fantasy film, "Night at the Museum." The film starring Ben Stiller and Robin Williams is based on the idea that everything at the museum comes to life at night. The film cost 150 million dollars to capture the lively and imaginative movements of the models and installments at a museum.

2006. 12. 2. 3

Shin Seung-hun 於中国获取“海外最佳人气艺人奖”

Shin Seung-hun 在中国东南电视臺举办的「东南劲爆音乐榜颁奖典礼」上获得“海外最佳人气艺人奖”和“海外最佳音乐人奖”,捧得双冠王。「东南劲爆音乐榜颁奖典礼」今年已是第四届,评还在中华圈有影响力的歌手颁奖,在从 6 月 1 日开始针对中国观众通过短信、信函和电子邮件等实施的投票评选中荣获双冠王的 Shin Seung-hun 亲自到场领奖并举行了纪念演出。期待今後製作更多宣传韩国的好音乐。

In the DongNam Hottrack music award ceremony, held by the Dong-nam TV station in China, Shing Seung-hun received double awards for "Best Foreign Artist" and also "Best Foreign Musician." The annual ceremony awards influential musicians in Chinese culture, and voting among the Chinese started June 1st, via text messaging, letters, and e-mail. Shin Seung-hun, who won in two categories, attended the ceremony and also gave a performance. We hope he continues to be a wonderful messenger for Korean music.

2006. 11. 25. 4

Lee Hyo-lee 出演音乐电视剧

歌手 Lee Hyo-lee 将拍摄音乐电视剧再度挑战演技。最近薟约新公司的 Lee Hyo-lee 继去年正式挑战电视剧後再次挑战演技,在这部片长 70 分钟的音乐电视剧中,Lee Hyo-lee 一人饰演两个角色,扮演性格截然相反的孪生姐妹。下个月还将发行快歌和叙事歌数字单曲,据说快歌和叙事歌音乐电视将分别采用音乐剧中孪生姐姐和变生妹妹的出场画面。

Singer Lee Hyo-lee will try her hand at acting once again with a musical drama. Lee Hyo-lee, who\'s recently traded agents, officially debuted as an actress last year in a drama, and this is her second try at acting in 2 years. The drama, a 70 minute long musical drama, will star Lee Hyo-lee as half of an identical twin-set who have completely different personalities. She\'ll be playing both twins. Also it is said, in the music videos of her to-be-released digital singles of a dance tune and ballad, she\'ll be using the clips of her being the older twin in the dance music video, and the clips of her being the younger twin in the ballad song.

2006. 11. 25. 3

东方神起总唱片销量达 2 百万张

东方神起唱片销量突破 2 百万张。自 2004 年 2 月出道至今,东方神起在两年 9 个月时间里在韩国售出了 140 万张唱片,加上中国、臺湾、泰国等海外销量,总销量超过了 2 百万张。以 2004 年首张单曲《HUG》开始,包括正规唱片和圣诞唱片在内,取得了可喜的成绩,特别是今年发表的专辑 3「'O'—正,反,合」以 25 万张销量横扫各大排行榜。

The total Record sales of the group TVXQ! stepped over the 2 million line. Since their debut in February of 2004, TVXQ! recorded 1.4 million in domestic sales, and reached the 2 million mark counting overseas sales in China, Taiwan, and Thailand within 2 years and 9 months. This is counting their first single in 2004, HUG, their regular albums and carol albums. Not only this, but their 3rd album released this year, "O"-Union has also sold over 250,000 records and is currently topping the charts.

2006. 11. 25. 1


东方神起在泰国举行的“Virgin Hitz Awards 2006”上获得“亚洲最高人气奖”。由泰国最大的电台“Virgin”主办,最具权威性的此次音乐颁奖典礼,每年向在泰国获得最高人气奖的音乐和艺人颁发总计 40 项奖项。在此次颁奖典礼上东方神起力压日本的宇多田光、台湾的王力宏、和 Shinhwa 等竞争对手捧得桂冠倍感开心。东方神起是此次唯一获奖的外国歌手,这再次证明了他们在泰国的人气。

The group TVXQ! received the most popular Asian artist award at the "Virgin Hitz awards 2006" held in Bangkok, Thailand. The "Virgin Hitz awards 2006" is a prestigious music award ceremony sponsored by "Virgin," the largest radio station in Thailand. It selects the most popular music and artists in 40 different categories each year. TVXQ! defeated candidates like Utada Hikaru from Japan and Hwang Leehom from Taiwan, as well as Shinhwa from Korea. TVXQ! was also the only foreign artist to win at this ceremony.

2006. 11. 11. 1

东方神起 3 辑于亚洲 7 国发行

东方神起决定在亚洲 7 国同步发行第 3 张专辑【O-正,反,合】。“O-正,反,合”表示构成社会要素的“正反合”,寓意有正就有反,最终合成圆。新专辑以韩国为起点将于 17 日在泰国,马来西亚和新加坡上市,30 日则在中国发售。期待凭借专辑 3 再度掀起亚洲旋风。

Group TVXQ! decided to release its third album "O"-Chung.Ban.Hap.('"O"-正.反.合.) in seven Asian countries. The title of the album alludes to German philosopher Friedrich Hegels Triad Dialectic where righteousness and opposition ultimately lead to an agreement completing a circle or "O." Starting from its release in Korea, the group's third album is scheduled to be available in Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore on October 17th and in China on the 30th. We look forward to TVXQ!'s continued success with its third album!

2006. 10. 13 . 3

TVXQ! 首场泰国演唱会

在一万四千多亚洲歌迷的尖叫声中,东方神起首场泰国演唱会成功落幕。在曼谷 IMPACT Arena 举行的“Rising Sun 1st Asia Tour 2006 Live In Thailand”上, 东方神起向泰国及 10 多个相邻国家歌迷展现了华丽的舞台。演唱会后东方神起将结束专辑 2 活动,在韩国签售专辑 3 并正式展开活动。

TVXQ! successfully finished their first solo concert in Thailand amid the hearty cheers of some 14,000 fans. The group's first concert titled "Rising Sun First Asia Tour 2006, Live in Thailand" was held at Bangkok's Impact Arena. Fans gathered not only from different parts of Thailand but also from 10 neighboring Asian countries to watch the group's dazzling performance. With this concert, TVXQ! brings to an end activities related to their second album as it plans to release a third album in Korea.

2006. 9. 29. 1

Shinhwa 在中国上海获奖

6 人组合 Shinhwa 在中国上海国际艺术节颁奖典礼上获得上海市颁发卲感谢状,表彰其为韩中文化交流所做的贡献。Shinhwa 在多种文化领域为韩中两国文化沟通做出了巨大贡献,代表 Shinhwa 出席的 Jun Jin 和 Lee Min-woo 令颁奖典礼蓬笔生辉。期待通过 Shinhwa 在中国的活动,在韩国也掀起中国大众文化热。

2006. 11. 19. 2

Shinhwa 首场新加坡演唱会

男组合 Shinhwa 是韩国歌手当中第一个在新加坡举行了演唱会。本月 10 日 Shinhwa 在新加坡室内体育馆举行了 Shinhwa 2006 巡演“STATE OF THE ART in Singapore”。此次是继参加新加坡“Euphoria 2004”演唱会之后,第二次访问新加坡,同年以《Perfect Man》进入新加坡华语歌曲排行榜前 10 位。期待以 Shinhwa 为首的韩国歌手在新加坡歌坛的活动更加活跃。

Popular male group Shinhwa is the first Korean pop group to hold a concert in Singapore. Shinhwa held its 2006 tour concert titled "State of the Art in Singapore" on September 10 at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. It was the group's second time visiting Singapore followed by the "Euphoria 2004" concert. That same year, Shinhwa also made history by becoming the first Korean singers to make the Top Ten on the Singapore Mandarin Chart with their song "Perfect Man." I hope Shinhwa paves the way for other Korean singers to enter Singapore music scene.

2006. 9. 15. 3


女子 4 人组合天上智喜将更名为“天上智喜 The Grace”后复出。据说天上智喜为强调以扎实唱功和优美和声为主的组合形象,用“优美雅致”的英文单词“Grace”为组合取了新名字,并且每名成员亦在其名字后面加有述词“The Grace”。

The four member female group TSZX is making a comeback after changing its name to "TSZX The Grace." The group decided to use the word "grace" wanting to promote its image as artists that emphasize strong musicality and beautiful harmony. Each members also has also added the phrase, "The Grace," after their names.

2006. 11. 11. 3

Hwang Bo 一月出单飞专辑

已经解散的女生组合 Chakra 前成员 Hwang Bo 明年 1 月将发表单飞专辑,已结束封面拍摄,据说不是性感概念。就专辑性质而言她强调不会像大部分女歌手那样因为性感概念而过分显露性感成分,同时她表示歌曲是在没有说明自己演唱的情况下制作出来的,所以选择了很好的音乐,甚至到了无法确定主打歌的地步,表现出了她很强的自信心。

Former Chakra member Hwang Bo plans to release a solo album in January next year. She has already finished the album jacket photo shoot. Since many female artists use a sexy concept for their albums, she mentioned that she would not join them. And because the songs on her album are all considered good, she is now having a hard time deciding on one title song.

2006. 11. 11. 2

Lee Seung-hwan 与 X-Japan 的联合演唱会

歌手 Lee Seung-hwan 将与日本摇滚组合 X-Japan 主唱 Toshi 在韩日两国联合举办和平演唱会。届时将不愧韩国现场演唱的声誉,出演 11 月 4 日和明年上半年的韩日和平演唱会。这次活动旨在为扩大韩日两国交化交流和促进双方文化理解。以 Lee Seung-hwan 的演唱会为契机,期待韩国歌手的日本进军更加活跃。

Singer Lee Seung-hwan is planning to hold a joint peace concert with Toshi, a vocalist in Japan's legendary rock group X-Japan. Concerts will both be held in Korea and Japan, and are scheduled for this November 4 and another early next year. These concerts were planned to promote a more active cultural exchange between the two countries. Let's hope more Korean artists expand their musical activities into Japan.

2006. 10. 28. 4

Yoon Jong-shin 的婚礼

最近公开女友宣布交往的歌手 Yoon Jong-shin 将于 12 月 29 日举行婚礼,新娘是前网球国手 Jun Mi-ra。据说两人在网球聚会中相遇相爱,不久前在自己的演唱会中发布结婚消息,令周围的人羡慕不已,更在演唱会现场向新娘 Jun Mi-ra 演唱情歌更让观众羡慕万分。祝愿迟到的婚姻更加幸福美满。

Singer Yoon Jong-shin recently revealed that he and his girlfriend are getting married on December 29th. The bride-to-be is the former national tennis player Jun Mi-ra. They first met at a tennis club. Yoon Jong-shin announced his wedding as a surprise at a recent concert where he also sang a serenade for her. We hope they live happily ever after~!!

2006. 10. 28. 3

V.O.S 进军海外

专辑 1【看着眼睛说】和专辑 2【时限附】热卖后正在准备专辑 3 的男子 3 人实力组合 V.O.S 将参加越南胡治明市的音乐庆典,迈出进军海外的第一步。他们是唯一的受邀韩国歌手,将和越南顶尖歌手同台演出。希望 V.O.S 通过本次演出,为继续韩流起到重要作用。

The talented three-member male group V.O.S, which has already received much love from fans with its first and second albums titled, "Tell Me the Truth" and "Time-limited", is now preparing its third album. As such, the group is expanding its activities abroad by attending a music festival to be held in Ho Chin Minh City, Vietnam. The group is the only Korean artist to be invited to this festival and will share the stage with many famous Vietnamese musicians. Let's hope V.O.S plays an important role in sustaining the Korean Wave.

2006. 10. 28. 1

An Jae-wook 日本特别专辑

韩流明星鼻袓,歌手兼演员 An Jae-wook 在日本发表了特别专辑。此次专辑收录有包括已经终映的剧集【星星在我心】的原声带【永远在你身边】在内的《朋友》、《Forever》等 13 首歌曲,预计将通过音乐表达自己 10 年演艺活动与歌迷建立起来的深厚感情和自己的人生故事。期待早日在韩国看到他的特别专辑。

A pioneer of the Korean wave, star, singer and actor An Jae-wook announced that he would be releasing a special album in Japan. This album holds 13 songs, to include the songs, "Even if you leave me," "Friend," and "Forever" from the OST of the old, popular Korean drama, "Stars in My Heart." He plans to display his love stories as well as stories from his personal life with fans through his music. We hope to see this special album soon in Korea, too.

2006. 10. 19. 3

Fly to the Sky 的 Brain 发行单飞专辑

Fly to the Sky 的 Brain 计划发行单飞专辑。预定 11 月发售的首张单飞专辑将用富有古典韵味的舒适的古典流行乐,取代组合活动时演唱的 R&B 歌曲。过去 7 年来 Fly to the Sky 从未发表过一张单飞专辑,所以此次单飞专辑更令人期待。

Fly to the Sky's Brian is preparing to release a solo album in early November. He plans to display an old-pop style with an acoustic sound rather than the R&B music he often sang as a member of Fly to the Sky. This will be the first solo album to come out from the group over its seven years of existence.

2006. 10. 13 . 4

2006 首尔音乐演奏季

10 月 7 日至 29 日在首尔上岩洞世界杯体育场举行韩国顶级歌手接力演唱会。Se7en、Big Mama、东方神起、Lee Seung-hwan、YB、Sung Si-kyung、Crying Nut 等众多不同风格的音乐人将参加演唱会。此次为期一个月的现场演唱会旨在重挀因唱片市场不景气而陷入低谷的 K-Pop,期待各种演出活动逐步成为代表韩国的音乐盛会。

A series of concert's by Korea's top singers will take place at Seoul World Cup Stadium, beginning October 10th to the 29th. Popular musicians from various genres like Se7en, Big Mama, TVXQ!, Lee Seung-hwan, YB, Sung Si-kyung, and Crying Nut will give live performances to revive the slump in the K-Pop music industry. Let's hope these events and performances represent a growth of future Korean music events.

2006. 10. 13 . 1

Kim Jang-hoon 投资百万元于新专辑

歌手 Kim Jang-hoon 新专辑投入 10 亿韩元实施特别计划,预计在唱片制作方面投入 3 亿韩元,投资 5 亿韩元拍摄超大规模音乐电视,剩下的 2 亿韩元用于广告制作。计划通过剧场广告制定营销策略倾力制作,提高完成度。堪称 Kim Jang-hoon 专辑代表作的该专辑预计 11 月份与大家见面。

Singer Kim Jang-hoon plans to invest millions of dollars into his new album. He is reportedly investing $300,000 to produce the album, $500,000 for a blockbuster-scale music video, and $200,000 on marketing. He plans to promote his album through advertisements in theaters. His new album, which he proudly says is his best so far, is scheduled to be released in November.

2006. 10. 7. 3

Super Junior 亮相泰国电视音乐节目

Super Junior 首次参加泰国电视台和电台播放的音乐节目,令万余歌迷如痴如狂。他们作为外国歌手首次应邀参加该演唱会,这也证明了他们在泰国的人气,尤其万余名观众大部分手举写有 Super Junior 成员名字的牌子尖叫呐喊,气氛十分火爆,甚至有数十位歌迷因过于激动而昏倒被送往医院。

2006. 10. 7. 2

Sung Si-kyung 发行 5 辑

歌手 Sung Si-kyung 沉寂 1 年 6 个月后携专辑 5 复出歌坛。此次专辑概念为“叙事歌”,不仅有伤感的正统叙事歌,还将展现嫁接中速节奏、爵士巴萨、流行乐等多种风格的叙事歌。专辑首次由 Sung Si-kyung 担任制作人,从歌曲收集、指导、作曲、封面拍摄到音乐电视全面参与了专辑制作。

Sung Si-kyung is getting ready to make a comeback to the Korean music world having just released his fifth album, after one and a half years. The concept of this album is a "ballad," which not only includes traditionally poignant ballad songs but also displays a broad spectrum of elements ranging from medium tempo and jazz bosa to pop music. This is the first album which Sung Si-kyung produced himself, from composing the songs, to directing the music video and designing the album cover.

2006. 9. 29. 3

JJang Na-ra 与余文乐的合辑

据说韩流明星 JJang Na-ra 与香港明星余文乐正在秘密商榷合出唱片事宜。正在中国拍摄连续剧 "情系浦江" 的 JJang Na-ra 正在认真考虑是否接受余文乐合出唱片的提议。余文乐因出演 "无间道2" 在韩国颇有名气。如果合出唱片,余文乐将负责香港台湾等地的宣传,JJang Na-ra 则负责中国大陆和韩国的宣传。

Korean Wave star JJang Na-ra is planning a duet album with Hong Kong star Shawn Yue. Shawn Yue suggested this idea to JJang Na-ra who is currently starring in a Chinese drama "Good morning Shanghai." Shawn Yue is well known in Korea for his role in the movie "Internal Affairs II." If the joint album gets released, Shawn Yue will be in charge of the promotion in Hong Kong and Taiwan while JJang Na-ra covers China and Korea.

2006. 9. 15. 2


韩国的东方神起、Buzz、日本人气女歌手幸田来未、5 人男声组合岚等亚洲顶级歌手将在光州同台演出。此次音乐节是本着通过亚洲大众音乐交流奠定 "亚洲文化共同体" 的基础为目的举办的,是亚洲顶级歌手同台献艺的一场盛会。通过大众流行歌曲和文化的交流,将有助于提升韩国文化的正面形象,并促进文化交流。

Asia's best artists including Korean singers TVXQ!, Buzz, Japanese female singer Koda Kumi, and the five-member male group Arashi are planning to perform on the same stage in Kwangju. This festival is held to form the groundwork for "Asia's Cultural Community" through a pop music exchange. Let's hope that this cultural exchange contributes to a positive impression of Korea as well as promotes more active cultural exchanges with other countries.

2006. 9. 15. 1

湥⁤‽畦汬氮湥瑧㭨爊瑥牵湵獥慣数昨汵⹬畳獢牴湩⡧瑳牡ⱴ攠摮⤩献汰瑩∨∠⸩潪湩∨∫㬩紊昊湵瑣潩敧敮慲整版晥愨慴Ⱨ琠浥汰瑡⥥੻瑡条栮敲㵦整灭慬整爮灥慬散✨䵟啙䱒❟‬楷摮睯氮捯瑡潩⹮牨晥爮灥慬散✨瑨灴⼺✯‬✧⤩爮灥慬散✨䵟呙呉䕌❟✬桃捥╫〲畯╴〲桴獩㈥吰楲潰╤〲敍扭牥㈥猰瑩Ⅵ⤧※紊瘊牡氠捹獯慟⁤‽牁慲⡹㬩瘊牡氠捹獯潟汮慯彤楴敭㭲瘊牡挠彭潲敬㴠∠楬敶㬢瘊牡挠彭潨瑳㴠∠牴灩摯氮捹獯挮浯㬢瘊牡挠彭慴楸⁤‽⼢敭扭牥浥敢摤摥㬢瘊牡琠楲潰彤敭扭牥湟浡⁥‽戢畬晥獵潩㙮㬢瘊牡琠楲潰彤敭扭牥灟条⁥‽戢畬晥獵潩㙮甯栮浴≬਻慶⁲牴灩摯牟瑡湩獧桟獡⁨‽ㄢㄷ㠴㌹㐳㨴㔲愴扡㘸慥㐱㌴㠶㍤晡㠵敦㈶㝦㈰㥣㬢ਊ慶⁲祬潣彳摡损瑡来牯⁹‽畮汬਻瘊牡氠捹獯慟彤敲潭整慟摤⁲‽㈢㤰㈮㈰㈮㐴㤮㬢瘊牡氠捹獯慟彤睷彷敳癲牥㴠∠睷⹷牴灩摯氮捹獯挮浯㬢瘊牡氠捹獯慟彤牴捡彫浳污‽∢਻慶⁲祬潣彳摡瑟慲正獟牥敶⁤‽∢਻慶⁲祬潣彳敳牡档煟敵祲㴠朠瑥畑牥⡹㬩㰊猯牣灩㹴ਊ猼牣灩⁴祴数∽整瑸樯癡獡牣灩≴猠捲∽瑨灴㩳⼯捳楲瑰⹳祬潣⹳潣⽭慣浴湡椯楮⹴獪㸢⼼捳楲瑰ਾ㰊捳楲瑰琠灹㵥琧硥⽴慪慶捳楲瑰㸧 慶⁲潧杯敬慴⁧‽潧杯敬慴⁧籼笠㭽 潧杯敬慴⹧浣⁤‽潧杯敬慴⹧浣⁤籼嬠㭝 昨湵瑣潩⡮
ਫ††✠⼯睷⹷潧杯敬慴獧牥楶散⹳潣⽭慴⽧獪术瑰樮❳਻†瘠牡渠摯⁥‽潤畣敭瑮朮瑥汅浥湥獴祂慔乧浡⡥猧牣灩❴嬩崰਻†渠摯⹥慰敲瑮潎敤椮獮牥䉴晥牯⡥慧獤‬潮敤㬩 ⥽⤨਻⼼捳楲瑰ਾ㰊捳楲瑰琠灹㵥琧硥⽴慪慶捳楲瑰㸧 潧杯敬慴⹧浣⹤異桳昨湵瑣潩⡮
੻†朠潯汧瑥条搮晥湩卥潬⡴⼧㔹㘹㔳㘹启䥒㍟〰㉘〵摟灦Ⱗ嬠〳ⰰ㈠〵ⱝ✠楤⵶灧⵴摡ㄭ㔴㈰㐰㔱ㄹ㘲〭⤧愮摤敓癲捩⡥潧杯敬慴⹧異慢獤⤨㬩 †潧杯敬慴⹧敤楦敮汓瑯✨㤯㤵㌶㤵⼶剔彉扡癯彥㈷砸〹摟灦Ⱗ嬠㈷ⰸ㤠崰‬搧癩札瑰愭ⵤ㐱〵〲ㄴ㤵㈱ⴶ✱⸩摡卤牥楶散木潯汧瑥条瀮扵摡⡳⤩਻†朠潯汧瑥条搮晥湩卥潬⡴⼧㔹㘹㔳㘹启䥒扟汥睯㝟㠲㥸弰晤❰‬㝛㠲‬〹ⱝ✠楤⵶灧⵴摡ㄭ㔴㈰㐰㔱ㄹ㘲㈭⤧愮摤敓癲捩⡥潧杯敬慴⹧異慢獤⤨㬩 †潧杯敬慴⹧異慢獤⤨攮慮汢卥湩汧剥煥敵瑳⤨਻†朠潯汧瑥条攮慮汢卥牥楶散⡳㬩 ⥽਻⼼捳楲瑰ਾਊ猼牣灩⁴祴数∽整瑸樯癡獡牣灩≴‾⠊畦据楴湯椨噳਩੻††晩
椡噳⤠ †笠 †††爠瑥牵㭮 †素 †瘠牡愠䵤牧㴠渠睥䄠䵤湡条牥⤨਻††慶⁲祬潣彳牰摯獟瑥㴠愠䵤牧挮潨獯健潲畤瑣敓⡴㬩 †瘠牡猠潬獴㴠嬠氢慥敤扲慯摲Ⱒ∠敬摡牥潢牡㉤Ⱒ∠潴汯慢彲浩条≥‬琢潯扬牡瑟硥≴‬猢慭汬潢≸‬琢灯灟潲潭Ⱒ∠潦瑯牥∲‬猢楬敤≲㭝 †瘠牡愠䍤瑡㴠琠楨⹳祬潣彳摡损瑡来牯㭹 †愠䵤牧献瑥潆捲摥慐慲⡭瀧条❥‬愨䍤瑡☠…摡慃⹴浤穯
‿摡慃⹴浤穯㨠✠敭扭牥⤧਻††晩⠠桴獩氮捹獯獟慥捲彨畱牥⥹ †笠 †††愠䵤牧献瑥潆捲摥慐慲⡭欢祥潷摲Ⱒ琠楨⹳祬潣彳敳牡档煟敵祲㬩 †素ਠ††汥敳椠⡦摡慃⁴☦愠䍤瑡昮湩彤桷瑡਩††੻††††摡杍⹲敳䙴牯散偤牡浡✨敫睹牯❤‬摡慃⹴楦摮睟慨⥴਻††੽†† †映牯⠠慶⁲⁳湩猠潬獴਩††੻††††慶⁲汳瑯㴠猠潬獴獛㭝 †††椠⁦愨䵤牧椮即潬䅴慶汩扡敬猨潬⥴਩††††੻††††††桴獩氮捹獯慟孤汳瑯⁝‽摡杍⹲敧却潬⡴汳瑯㬩 †††素 †素ਊ††摡杍⹲敲摮牥效摡牥⤨਻††摡杍⹲敲摮牥潆瑯牥⤨਻⡽昨湵瑣潩⡮
੻瘊牡眠㴠〠‬⁨‽ⰰ洠湩浩浵桔敲桳汯⁤‽〳㬰ਊ晩⠠潴⁰㴽猠汥⥦笊 †爠瑥牵牴敵਻੽晩⠠祴数景眨湩潤⹷湩敮坲摩桴
㴽✠畮扭牥‧਩੻††⁷‽楷摮睯椮湮牥楗瑤㭨 †栠㴠眠湩潤⹷湩敮䡲楥桧㭴紊攊獬⁥晩⠠潤畣敭瑮搮捯浵湥䕴敬敭瑮☠…搨捯浵湥⹴潤畣敭瑮汅浥湥⹴汣敩瑮楗瑤⁨籼搠捯浵湥⹴潤畣敭瑮汅浥湥⹴汣敩瑮效杩瑨⤩笊 †眠㴠搠捯浵湥⹴潤畣敭瑮汅浥湥⹴汣敩瑮楗瑤㭨 †栠㴠搠捯浵湥⹴潤畣敭瑮汅浥湥⹴汣敩瑮效杩瑨਻੽汥敳椠⁦搨捯浵湥⹴潢祤☠…搨捯浵湥⹴潢祤挮楬湥坴摩桴簠⁼潤畣敭瑮戮摯⹹汣敩瑮效杩瑨⤩笊 †眠㴠搠捯浵湥⹴潢祤挮楬湥坴摩桴਻††⁨‽潤畣敭瑮戮摯⹹汣敩瑮效杩瑨਻੽敲畴湲⠠眨㸠洠湩浩浵桔敲桳汯⥤☠…栨㸠洠湩浩浵桔敲桳汯⥤㬩紊⤨⤩㬩ਊਊ眊湩潤⹷湯潬摡㴠映湵瑣潩⡮਩੻††慶⁲⁦‽潤畣敭瑮朮瑥汅浥湥䉴䥹⡤䘢潯整䅲≤㬩 †瘠牡戠㴠搠捯浵湥⹴敧䕴敬敭瑮䉳呹条慎敭∨潢祤⤢せ㭝 †戠愮灰湥䍤楨摬昨㬩 †映献祴敬搮獩汰祡㴠∠汢捯≫਻††潤畣敭瑮朮瑥汅浥湥䉴䥹⡤氧捹獯潆瑯牥摁䙩慲敭⤧献捲㴠✠愯浤愯⽤潦瑯牥摁椮牦浡⹥瑨汭㬧 †ਠਊ†† †⼠ 佄⁍湉摁 †⠠畦据楴湯椨味敲汬硩਩††੻††††慶⁲⁥‽潤畣敭瑮挮敲瑡䕥敬敭瑮✨晩慲敭⤧਻††††⹥瑳汹⹥潢摲牥㴠✠✰਻††††⹥瑳汹⹥慭杲湩㴠〠਻††††⹥瑳汹⹥楤灳慬⁹‽戧潬正㬧 †††攠献祴敬挮獳汆慯⁴‽爧杩瑨㬧 †††攠献祴敬栮楥桧⁴‽㈧㐵硰㬧 †††攠献祴敬漮敶晲潬⁷‽栧摩敤❮਻††††⹥瑳汹⹥慰摤湩⁧‽㬰 †††攠献祴敬眮摩桴㴠✠〳瀰❸਻ਊ††††慶⁲獩求歯摥祂潄慭湩㴠映湵瑣潩⡮栠敲⁦਩††††੻††††††慶⁲汢捯敫䑤浯楡獮㴠嬠 †††††††∠湡湡慹潰湲㌱〰⸰牴灩摯挮浯Ⱒ †††††††∠硸灸牯确硸琮楲潰⹤潣≭ †††††崠਻††††††慶⁲汦条㴠映污敳਻†††††† †††††映牯
牨晥献慥捲⡨戠潬正摥潄慭湩孳椠崠⤠㸠‽‰਩††††††††੻††††††††††汦条㴠琠畲㭥 †††††††素 †††††素 †††††爠瑥牵汦条਻††††੽ †††瘠牡朠瑥敍慴潃瑮湥⁴‽畦据楴湯
敭慴慎敭⤠ †††笠 †††††瘠牡洠瑥獡㴠搠捯浵湥⹴敧䕴敬敭瑮䉳呹条慎敭✨敭慴⤧਻††††††潦⁲椨〽※㱩敭慴⹳敬杮桴※⭩⤫ †††††笠ਠ††††††††晩
㴽洠瑥乡浡⁥਩††††††††⁻ †††††††††爠瑥牵敭慴孳嵩朮瑥瑁牴扩瑵⡥挢湯整瑮⤢※ †††††††素ਠ††††††੽††††††敲畴湲映污敳਻††††੽†††† †††瘠牡朠瑥潃浭湥乴摯獥㴠映湵瑣潩⡮敲敧偸瑡整湲਩††††੻††††††慶⁲潮敤⁳‽絻਻††††††慶⁲潮敤䅳㴠嬠㭝 †††††瘠牡瀠敲敦牲摥潎敤䱳獩⁴‽❛❡‬挧Ⱗ✠❢㭝 †††ਠ††††††昨湵瑣潩敧乴摯獥桔瑡慈敶潃浭湥獴渨‬慰瑴牥⥮ †††††笠 †††††††椠⁦渨栮獡桃汩乤摯獥⤨਩††††††††੻††††††††††晩⠠⹮慴乧浡⁥㴽‽䤧剆䵁❅਩††††††††††੻††††††††††††敲畴湲映污敳਻††††††††††੽††††††††††潦⁲瘨牡椠㴠〠※⁩‼⹮档汩乤摯獥氮湥瑧㭨椠⬫਩††††††††††੻††††††††††††晩⠠渨挮楨摬潎敤孳嵩渮摯呥灹⁥㴽‽⤸☠…瀨瑡整湲琮獥⡴⹮档汩乤摯獥楛⹝潮敤慖畬⥥⤩ †††††††††††笠 †††††††††††††瘠牡愠敲乡浡⁥‽慰瑴牥⹮硥捥渨挮楨摬潎敤孳嵩渮摯噥污敵嬩崱਻††††††††††††††潮敤孳牡慥慎敭⁝‽㭮 †††††††††††素 †††††††††††攠獬⁥晩⠠⹮档汩乤摯獥楛⹝潮敤祔数㴠㴽ㄠ਩††††††††††††੻††††††††††††††敧乴摯獥桔瑡慈敶潃浭湥獴渨挮楨摬潎敤孳嵩‬慰瑴牥⥮਻††††††††††††੽††††††††††੽††††††††੽††††††⡽潤畣敭瑮戮摯ⱹ爠来硥慐瑴牥⥮㬩ਊ††††††潦⁲瘨牡椠椠牰晥牥敲乤摯獥楌瑳਩††††††੻††††††††晩⠠潮敤孳牰晥牥敲乤摯獥楌瑳楛嵝਩††††††††੻††††††††††晩
獩牔汥楬⁸☦渠摯獥灛敲敦牲摥潎敤䱳獩孴嵩⹝慰敲瑮潎敤瀮牡湥乴摯⹥慰敲瑮潎敤瀮牡湥乴摯⁥਩††††††††††੻††††††††††††潮敤䅳瀮獵⡨潮敤孳牰晥牥敲乤摯獥楌瑳楛嵝瀮牡湥乴摯⹥慰敲瑮潎敤瀮牡湥乴摯⹥慰敲瑮潎敤㬩 †††††††††素 †††††††††攠獬੥††††††††††੻††††††††††††潮敤䅳瀮獵⡨渠摯獥灛敲敦牲摥潎敤䱳獩孴嵩⁝㬩 †††††††††素 †††††††素 †††††素 †††††爠瑥牵潮敤䅳਻††††੽†††† †††ਠ††††慶⁲牰灯牥潎敤㴠渠汵㭬 †††瘠牡愠敲乡摯獥㴠朠瑥潃浭湥乴摯獥
帧牡慥吠灹㵥愢敲彡尨睜⤫✢⤠⤠਻ †††映牯⠠慶⁲⁩‽㬰椠㰠愠敲乡摯獥氮湥瑧㭨椠⬫਩††††੻††††††慶⁲⁡‽慰獲䥥瑮木瑥潃灭瑵摥瑓汹⡥牡慥潎敤孳嵩⸩楷瑤⥨਻††††††晩⠠愨㸠‽〳⤰☠…愨㰠‽〴⤰਩††††††੻††††††††牰灯牥潎敤㴠愠敲乡摯獥楛㭝 †††††††戠敲歡਻††††††੽††††੽ਊ††††慶⁲牰灯牥祴慎敭㴠朠瑥敍慴潃瑮湥⡴瀢潲数瑲≹
਩††††੻††††††⹥牳⁣‽⼧摡⽭摡椯橮捥䅴⹤晩慲敭栮浴❬਻††††††牰灯牥潎敤椮獮牥䉴晥牯⡥ⱥ瀠潲数乲摯⹥楦獲䍴楨摬㬩 †††素 †††攠獬⁥晩
牰灯牥潎敤⤠⤠⼠ 汓灡琠敨愠⁤癥湥桴畯桧⁴桴牥⁥獩渠污捯瑡摥猠潬ੴ††††੻††††††⹥牳⁣‽⼧摡⽭摡椯橮捥䅴⹤晩慲敭栮浴❬਻††††††⹥瑳汹⹥獣䙳潬瑡㴠✠潮敮㬧 †††††瘠牡挠楤⁶‽潤畣敭瑮挮敲瑡䕥敬敭瑮✨楤❶㬩 †††††挠楤⹶瑳汹⁥‽眢摩桴㌺〰硰活牡楧㩮〱硰愠瑵㭯㬢 †††††挠楤⹶灡数摮桃汩⡤攠⤠਻††††††⹢湩敳瑲敂潦敲挨楤ⱶ戠氮獡䍴楨摬㬩 †††素 †††攠獬⁥晩
椡䉳潬敫䉤䑹浯楡⡮氠捯瑡潩⹮牨晥⤠⤠ †††笠 †††††瘠牡椠橮⁆‽潤畣敭瑮挮敲瑡䕥敬敭瑮✨晩慲敭⤧਻††††††湩䙪献祴敬戮牯敤⁲‽〧㬧 †††††椠橮⹆瑳汹⹥慭杲湩㴠〠਻††††††湩䙪献祴敬搮獩汰祡㴠✠汢捯❫਻††††††湩䙪献祴敬挮獳汆慯⁴‽渧湯❥਻††††††湩䙪献祴敬栮楥桧⁴‽㈧㐵硰㬧 †††††椠橮⹆瑳汹⹥癯牥汦睯㴠✠楨摤湥㬧 †††††椠橮⹆瑳汹⹥慰摤湩⁧‽㬰 †††††椠橮⹆瑳汹⹥楷瑤⁨‽㌧〰硰㬧 †††††椠橮⹆牳⁣‽⼧摡⽭摡椯橮捥䅴⹤晩慲敭栮浴❬਻ †††††椠⡦戠☠…

湩䙪⤠਻††††††††⹢湩敳瑲敂潦敲挨楤ⱶ戠氮獡䍴楨摬㬩 †††††素ਠ††††੽†⡽搠捯浵湥⹴獩牔汥楬⁸⤩਻੽㰊猯牣灩㹴ਊ搼癩椠㵤琢形潣瑮楡敮≲猠祴敬∽慢正牧畯摮⌺䙄䍄䙃※潢摲牥戭瑯潴㩭瀱⁸潳楬⁤㌣㌹㌹㬹瀠獯瑩潩㩮敲慬楴敶※⵺湩敤㩸㤹㤹㤹㤹ℹ浩潰瑲湡≴ਾℼⴭ潦浲渠浡㵥猢慥捲≨漠卮扵業㵴爢瑥牵敳牡档瑩⤨•摩✽敨摡牥獟慥捲❨㸠㰊湩異⁴祴数∽整瑸•汰捡桥汯敤㵲匢慥捲≨猠穩㵥〳渠浡㵥猢慥捲㉨•慶畬㵥∢ਾ椼灮瑵琠灹㵥戢瑵潴≮瘠污敵∽潇∡漠䍮楬正∽敳牡档瑩⤨㸢㰊是牯㹭㰊瑳汹㹥昊牯⍭敨摡牥獟慥捲⁨੻††楷瑤㩨㤠㘱硰਻††慭杲湩›‰畡潴㠠硰਻††潰楳楴湯›敲慬楴敶਻੽ਊ潦浲栣慥敤彲敳牡档椠灮瑵笠 †栠楥桧㩴㐠瀰㭸 †映湯⵴楳敺›㐱硰਻††楬敮栭楥桧㩴㐠瀰㭸 †瀠摡楤杮›‰瀸㭸 †戠硯猭穩湩㩧戠牯敤⵲潢㭸 †戠捡杫潲湵㩤⌠㑆㉆㥅਻††潢摲牥›瀱⁸潳楬⁤䈣䉂䈸㬸 †琠慲獮瑩潩㩮戠捡杫潲湵ⵤ潣潬⁲〳洰⁳慥敳漭瑵ਬ††††††††潣潬⁲〳洰⁳慥敳਻੽昊牯⍭敨摡牥獟慥捲⁨湩異孴祴数∽整瑸崢笠 †眠摩桴›〱┰਻੽潦浲栣慥敤彲敳牡档椠灮瑵瑛灹㵥琢硥≴㩝潦畣⁳੻††潢摲牥挭汯牯›䄣䐲㔰㬴 †戠捡杫潲湵ⵤ潣潬㩲⌠晦㭦 †戠硯猭慨潤㩷〠〠硰ㄠ瀲⁸㐭硰⌠㉁い㐵਻੽ਊ昊牯⍭敨摡牥獟慥捲⁨湩異孴祴数∽畢瑴湯崢笠 †瀠獯瑩潩㩮愠獢汯瑵㭥 †琠灯›瀱㭸 †爠杩瑨›瀱㭸 †漠慰楣祴›㬱 †戠捡杫潲湵㩤⌠䙄䍄䙃਻††潣潬㩲⌠㘴㜳㐳਻††楷瑤㩨ㄠ㔲硰਻††畣獲牯›潰湩整㭲 †栠楥桧㩴㌠瀸㭸 †戠牯敤㩲渠湯㭥紊昊牯⍭敨摡牥獟慥捲⁨湩異孴祴数∽整瑸崢昺捯獵縠椠灮瑵瑛灹㵥戧瑵潴❮㩝潨敶Ⱳ昊牯⍭敨摡牥獟慥捲⁨湩異孴祴数✽畢瑴湯崧栺癯牥笠 †戠捡杫潲湵ⵤ潣潬㩲⌠㕁䕃㘵਻††潣潬㩲⌠晦㭦紊昊牯⍭敨摡牥獟慥捲⁨湩異孴祴数∽整瑸崢昺捯獵縠椠灮瑵瑛灹㵥戧瑵潴❮⁝੻††慢正牧畯摮挭汯牯›㔣䄲䑅㭆 †挠汯牯›昣晦਻੽㰊猯祴敬ਾ㰊捳楲瑰ਾ畦据楴湯猠慥捲楨⡴笩 †ਠ††⼯搠瑥牥業敮攠癮物湯敭瑮ਠ††慶⁲敳牡档敟癮ਠ††晩⠠祬潣彳摡睟睷獟牥敶⹲湩敤佸⡦⸢摰∮
੻†††猠慥捲彨湥⁶‽栧瑴㩰⼯敳牡档ㄵ瀮⹤祬潣⹳潣⽭⽡㬧 †素攠獬⁥晩⠠祬潣彳摡睟睷獟牥敶⹲湩敤佸⡦⸢慱∮
੻†††猠慥捲彨湥⁶‽栧瑴㩰⼯敳牡档ㄵ焮⹡祬潣⹳潣⽭⽡㬧 †素攠獬⁥੻†††猠慥捲彨湥⁶‽栧瑴㩰⼯敳牡档ㄵ氮捹獯挮浯愯✯਻††੽瘊牡猠慥捲彨整浲㴠攠据摯啥䥒潃灭湯湥⡴潤畣敭瑮献慥捲⹨敳牡档⸲慶畬⥥瘊牡猠慥捲彨牵‽敳牡档敟癮猫慥捲彨整浲਻楷摮睯漮数⡮敳牡档畟汲㬩ਊ敲畴湲映污敳紊㰊猯牣灩⵴㸭㰊瑳汹㹥 †⸠摡敃瑮牥汃獡筳慭杲湩〺愠瑵絯㰊猯祴敬ਾ搼癩椠㵤琢形摡•汣獡㵳愢䍤湥整䍲慬獳•瑳汹㵥搢獩汰祡戺潬正椡灭牯慴瑮※癯牥汦睯栺摩敤㭮眠摩桴㤺㘱硰∻ਾ㰊楤⁶摩∽摡损湯慴湩牥•瑳汹㵥搢獩汰祡戺潬正椡灭牯慴瑮※汦慯㩴敬瑦※楷瑤㩨㈷瀸⁸㸢㰊捳楲瑰琠灹㵥琢硥⽴慪慶捳楲瑰㸢椊⁦琨灹潥⁦祬潣彳摡℠㴽∠湵敤楦敮≤☠…氢慥敤扲慯摲•湩氠捹獯慟⥤笠 搠捯浵湥⹴牷瑩⡥祬潣彳摡❛敬摡牥潢牡❤⥝਻੽⼼捳楲瑰ਾ⼼楤㹶㰊搯癩ਾ⼼楤㹶㰊捳楲瑰琠灹㵥琢硥⽴慪慶捳楲瑰㸢椊⁦琨灹潥⁦祬潣彳摡℠㴽∠湵敤楦敮≤☠…猢楬敤≲椠祬潣彳摡